''The clinic of anti-aging medicine as alternative cost-effective model of health care facilities''

D.V. Ostropolets 1, K.O. Ivko 2, D. Vinsky 3

1. LTD ‘‘The Tree of Life. The Clinic of Predictive Medicine”, Saint Petersburg

2. Saint Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology

3. Aesthetic and Anti Aging Clinic, Jakarta, Indonesia

In the terms of market relations economical problems of health protection take center place in the activity of policy makers, economists and practitioners. In the basis of organization of medical care now according to the principles, health is a material item, like a resource that has a price , and the medicine is like a resource-saving productive power of society.

Reaching the decrease in diseases in mortality rate of population, improvement of physical and mental health of people, increasing of life spend, directly effects the rates of manufacturing public health service promotes reproduction of labour forces that creates suppositions for increasing of labour capacity, the increasing of national earning. So the public health service directly influences on movement of development production and decreasing of prime cost of manufacturing range.

In spite of the fact that medical and social effectiveness in the public health service are priority in comparison with cost effectiveness, the cost effectiveness allows fairly evaluate the effect of active medical arrangements. Especially it is important in the condition of global economic crisis. The choice of definitive medical program, methods of prevention and treatment of the nation associated with limited financial resources becomes the most important management problem of the public health service in each country of the world.

It is known, the disease prevention and it’s treatment at early stages are always more effective.

This doesn’t cause doubt, especially in cases of infectious diseases. But up to the present time it didn’t concern age-related diseases. The conducted cost evaluation showed that the realization of preventive services in the geriatric practice is more effective not only clinically, but also economically. Consequently in the process of searching for effective mechanisms of regulation in public health service in each country of the world they appears to become clear that it is necessary to make changes in this field and to search for the best from the definitive, the best model of the public health service considering to the results and expenses where the stable financial condition, profitability and self-repair are reached.

Such a model should be a clinic of anti-aging (preventive) medicine must become the similar model that is more cost effective compared to clinics that mainly treat the diseases that have already appeared. Genetic and biochemical diagnostics along with studying of family anamnesis and the assessment of mental and physical state, in other words constant preventive control, provide early detection and prevention of different diseases.

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